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Comissão de Controlo da Natalidade
Escrito por: Tilleul (IP registado)
Data: 26 de October de 2005 18:59

Este foi um tema que já uns tempos tinha tentado saber mais e agora relanço. O que sabem sobre esta Comissão criada por Paulo VI?

Encontrei uma página em inglês que aborda esta questão mas realmente queria saber um pouco da vossa opinião.

Em comunhão

Re: Comissão de Controlo da Natalidade
Escrito por: catolicapraticante (IP registado)
Data: 27 de October de 2005 12:10

In 1964, Pope Paul VI created the Papal Commission on Population and Birth Control.

It was a two-part commission, and met from 1964 to 1966.

One consisted of 64 lay persons, the other, of 15 clerics, including Pope John Paul II, then a Polish cardinal.

Pope Paul gave the Commission only one mission-to determine how the Church could change its position on birth control without undermining papal authority.

After two years of study, the Commission concluded that it was not possible to make this change without undermining papal authority but that the Church should make the change anyway because it was the right thing to do!

The lay members voted 60 to 4 for change, and the clerics, 9 to 6 for change.

(2) We know this because one or more members released the details without

permission to an Italian and a French newspaper. Pope Paul did not act immediately.

A minority report was prepared, co-authored by the man who is now Pope John Paul II.

In this report he stated:

If it should be declared that contraception is not evil in itself, then we should have

to concede frankly that the Holy Spirit had been on the side of the Protestant churches in

1930 (when the encyclical Casti Connubii was promulgated), in 1951 (Pius XII's address

to the midwives), and in 1958 (the address delivered before the Society of Hematologists in the year the pope died).

It should likewise have to be admitted that for a half century the Spirit failed to protect

Pius XI, Pius XII, and a large part of the Catholic hierarchy from a very serious error.

This would mean that the leaders of the Church, acting with extreme imprudence, had

condemned thousands of innocent human acts, forbidding, under pain of eternal

damnation, a practice which would now be sanctioned.

The fact can neither be denied nor ignored that these same acts would now be declared

licit on the grounds of principles cited by the Protestants, which popes and bishops have

either condemned or at least not approved"

Talevez esta perspectiva ajuda acompreender porque é que o Vaticano persevera

obstinadamente numa posição doutrinária éticamente inaceitável.

Trata-se afinal deuma questão de Poder e de colocar em causa a infalibilidade papal...

O que nos ensinou Jesus sobre o Poder e a infalibilidade dos sumaos sacerdotes?

Re: Comissão de Controlo da Natalidade
Escrito por: (IP registado)
Data: 27 de October de 2005 15:15

Caro Tilleul,

Também estou muito interessado sobre esta temática. Alguém sabe mais sobre o assunto?

Re: Comissão de Controlo da Natalidade
Escrito por: tony (IP registado)
Data: 28 de October de 2005 00:02


O teu acervo literário é extraordinário!

O meu Google não chega lá! :[

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